Adevarata mea iubire mi-a dat

Afisare 1-30

Evaluare medie 3.69 · 

 · 35.072 evaluari · 6.935 recenzii


Incepeti recenzia dvs. despre My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories

Evaluari pentru fiecare dintre povesti:

Midnights by Rainbow Rowell: 4/5

The Lady and The Fox de Kelly Link: 1/5

Angels In The Snow de Matt de la Pena: 3/5

Polaris este unde ma vei gasi de Jenny Han: 5/5 (iubit cat de ciudat a fost acesta!)

Este un miracol de Yuletide, Charlie Brown de Stephanie Perkins: 4/5

Mosul tau temporar de David Levithan: 3/5

Krampuslauf de Holly Black: 1/5 (degresat acesta -_-)

What The Hell Ai terminat, Sophie Roth? de Gayle Forman: 5/5 galeti de

bere si Baby Jesus de Myra McEntire: 1 /

. matrimoniale publi 24 valcea ..Mai Mult

Ca aproape toate colectiile de nuvele ale diferitilor autori, aceasta este o punga mixta de nestemate ascunse si altele pe care nici macar nu le-am terminat. Daca mi-ai fi solicitat in prealabil sa numesc o lista de autori YA pe care as dori sa o apar intr-o colectie de povesti, multi dintre cei de aici ar fi facut aceasta lista: Stephanie Perkins, Laini Taylor, Holly Black, Gayle Forman, David Levithan si poate Rainbow Rowell (imi plac, dar nu-i plac cartile).

Atunci, daca m-ai intreba ce fel de colectie de povesti as dori sa am

. piata az cluj matrimoniale ..Mai Mult

8 ianuarie 2014 Lani a marcat-o ca fiind citita


* timp pentru a te bucura *

persoanele care nu au citit serialele Fiica fumului si a oaselor de Laini Taylor probabil nu vor cunoaste personajele mentionate mai jos

Asa ca acum aproximativ o luna Stephanie a trimis acest mesaj


Deci, evident, cand am vazut coperta si cuplurile, am inceput sa-l caut pe Zuzana si Mik … revista matrimoniale dar apoi m-am impiedicat de asta

Stai, asta e? Nu, nu se poate .. Poate?




…Mai Mult


Evaluarile mele individuale:

Midnights by Rainbow Rowell: 5/5

The Lady and the Fox de Kelly Link: 1/5 (nici macar nu a putut-o termina)

Angels in the Snow de Matt de la Pena: 4. matrimoniale vaduve 5 / 5

Polaris este Unde Ma veti gasi de Jenny Han: 4/5

Este un miracol Yuletide, Charlie Brown de Stephanie Perkins: 5/5

Mosul tau temporar de David Levithan: 3/5

Krampuslauf de Holly Black: 2/5

Ce dracu ai facut, Sophie Roth? de Gayle Forman: 5/5

Galeti de bere si Baby Jesus de Myra McEntire: 3/5

Bine ati venit la Chris

…Mai Mult

Voi nota fiecare nuvela separat! Pana acum am citit .. matrimoniale maramures publi 24 .

„Midnights” de Rainbow Rowell: 5 stele

Atat de dragut si de adorabil. Curcubeul este motivul principal pentru care am vrut sa citesc aceasta carte.

“The Lady and Fox” de Kelly Link: 4 stele

Mi-a placut foarte mult aceasta poveste! A fost intrigant si frumos, dar a fost si putin confuz .. numere de telefon matrimoniale .

“Ingerii in zapada” de Matt de la Pena: 3,5 stele

Acest lucru a fost dragut si putin trist, a existat o parte cand am vrut sa plang.

“Polaris este locul unde ma vei gasi” de Jenny Han: 4,5 stele pe care le


anunturi matrimoniale prieteni casatori Mai Mult

02 aprilie 2015 Kai a apreciat ca mi-a placut

„Dar oamenii nu trebuie sa-si aminteasca cum se simtea fericit si in siguranta in trecut. Ei trebuie sa aiba speranta ca vor putea ajunge din nou acolo in viitor. ”

3,6 / 5 stele (nota medie a celor 12 nuvele)

Asadar, in timp ce povestea scurta a lui Laini Taylor a fost uimitor de frumoasa si magica, au fost si altele care chiar m-au surprins.

Nu am citit niciodata nimic de Matt de la Pena si trebuie sa spun ca am iubit cu adevarat Ingerii in zapada . Acelasi lucru este valabil si pentru Kiersten White , Welcome to Christmas, CA. matrimoniale bucutesti

Desigur, a

…Mai Mult

03 iulie 2014 Jessica a apreciat ca i-a placut

Mi-a placut foarte mult aceasta carte in general! Cu toate acestea, nu citesc multe carti de genul asta .. matrimoniale ro\ . Nu stiu daca am avut vreodata pana acum … dar a fost foarte ciudat sa citesti o poveste pe care II Iubesti, apoi sa citesti o poveste mediocra. publi 24 timis matrimoniale

Mai jos am enumerat clasamentele mele individuale:


Midnights de Rainbow Rowell: 5/5 Imi placea asta!

* The Lady and Fox de Kelly Link: 1/5 Acest lucru a fost atat de ciudat si intamplator. Mai ales dupa ce ai citit Midnights.

**** Ingerii in zapada de Matt de la Pena: 4/5 KITTY! A fost bine. Eu .. matrimoniale prahova campina . mai mult

01 decembrie 2014 Ben Alderson a apreciat ca nu i-a placut

mi-a placut primul cuplu de povesti, dar a devenit un pic asemanator pentru mine!


voi incerca din nou acest Craciun!

* Voi actualiza cu evaluari individuale pentru fiecare dintre povestile de maine *

11 decembrie 2015 Melanie a apreciat ca i-a placut

Am citit o poveste din aceasta antologie in fiecare seara pana in ajunul Craciunului! A fost doar o mica distractie pentru mine si ceva care m-a ajutat sa intru si mai mult in sezonul de sarbatori (alaturi de The Sorcerer’s Stone Illustrated Edition). Am fost foarte surprins, pentru ca am adorat absolut cateva povesti ale unor autori pe care nu i-am citit niciodata. Apoi, la randul lor, cativa dintre cei mai mari autori numiti pe care i-am citit si iubit au fost dezamagiri. In general, aceasta este intr-adevar o carte plina de inima plina de multa vacanta . matrimoniale tomnatic judetul timis .. mai mult

* 3,75 stele * saptamana 1Ce dracu ai facut, Sophie Roth? de Gayle Forman . Rating : ★★★★ ☆ 4 stele . saptamana 2Midnights , de Rainbow Rowell . matrimoniale brasov pub Rating : ★★★★★ 4.5 stele . saptamana 3Welcome To Christmas, CA , de Kiersten White . Rating : ★★★★★ 4,8 stele . saptamana 4The Lady and The Fox , de Kelly Link . matrimoniale fete pt casatorie Evaluare : ☆ ☆♥♥♥ 1 stea .

saptamana 5Beer Buckets si Baby Jesus , de Myra McIntyre . Rating : ★★★ ☆ ☆ 3,5 stele . saptamana 6Ingerii in zapada , de Matt de la Pena . Evaluare : ★★★★ ☆ 4 sta . ziarul raid ploiesti matrimoniale .. mai mult

Evaluarea actuala: 3,33 stele

# 1: Midnights by Rainbow Rowell – 3⭐️

Aceasta a fost o poveste draguta, nimic special, dar cu siguranta mi-a placut!

# 2: The Lady and Fox de Kelly Link – 1 ⭐️

Am citit doar cateva pagini din aceasta poveste, dar pur si simplu nu ma pot apuca sa citesc si o alta pagina a acesteia. Nu prea inteleg ce se intampla si nu-mi place stilul de scriere.

# 3: Ingerii in zapada de Matt de la Pena – 4⭐️

Aceasta a fost o lectura atat de draguta si rapida. aplicatii matrimoniale gratuite Chiar mi-a placut!

# 4: Polaris este locul unde ma vei gasi de Jenn

…Mai Mult

3,6 stele (conform calculelor mele)

My True Love Gave to Me este o antologie super cutesy, cea mai mare parte contemporana, inspirata de vacanta. De obicei nu imi plac colectiile de antologie, dar cumva mi-a placut asta. anuntul telefonic matrimoniale diverse Toate povestile erau grozave, unele erau mai bune decat altele, dar niciuna nu era groaznica. Aceasta carte este destul de renumita in comunitatea cartilor si, dintr-un motiv bun, este o citire clasica de vacanta pe care o sugerez oricui doreste sa intre in spiritul sarbatorilor.

❄️Midnights – Rainbow Rowell – 4 stele❄️

Il iubesc pe Rai

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1. Midnight by Rainbow Rowell: 4/5

2. The Lady and Fox de Kelly Link: 3/5

3. Angels in the Snow de Matt De La Pena: 1/5

4. Polaris este unde vei gasi Me by Jenny Han: 3. monitorul de galați matrimoniale

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5 / 5

5. Este un miracol Yuletide, Charlie Brown de Stephanie Perkins: 3/5

6. Your Temporary Santa by David Leviathan: 2.5 / 5

7. Krampuslauf de Holly Black: 2/5

8. matrimoniale corabia What the La dracu ai facut, Sophie Roth? de Gayle Forman: 2/5

9. Galeti de bere si Baby Jesus de Myra McEntire: 3/5

10.Bine ati venit la Craciun, CA de Kiersten White: 3. .. sit matrimoniale . mai mult

Nu este doar fantastic cand computerul se opreste si iti pierzi toata recenzia ???? Da, la fel.

Se pare ca nu m-am saturat niciodata de aceasta carte, unele dintre aceste povesti pe care le iubesc si altele erau saracite, dar, in total, este o antologie grozava.

Midnights: de Rainbow Rowell

– L-am adorat absolut pe acesta, de trei ori l-am citit. Este cu adevarat unul dintre cele perfecte pentru a incepe antologia cu bc, este scurt si dragut si gahhhh

– este scris de Rainbow Rowell, deci este ca un favor automat

– mi-a placut cum

. olx arad matrimoniale ..Mai Mult

27 decembrie 2016 Katie a apreciat ca mi-a placut

Ei bine, aceasta carte a fost o lectura festiva ideala, cu o combinatie adorabila de 12 povesti romantice scurte. Voi oferi fiecarei povesti propriul sau rating individual, pentru mine, unele dintre ele se incalzesc in inima, in timp ce altele sunt mai juste!

4/5 * Midnight by Rainbow Rowell: Aceasta este definitia legala a intelepciunii. Sincer, Rainbow Rowell a facut-o din nou!

2/5 * The Lady and Fox de Kelly Link: Umm . matrimoniale constanta tomis plus .. Acesta este un exemplu de meh! Este posibil ca aceasta poveste sa nu fie o citire destul de convenabila pentru mine. Personajele sunt confuzine

.. anuntul telegrafic matrimoniale .Mai Mult

09 noiembrie 2018 Kat a apreciat ca a fost uimitor

Este timpul cartilor de Craciun! Aceasta a avut cateva povesti dragute de Craciun si sarbatori Preferatele mele au fost cele care au iesit cu adevarat in voia sarbatorilor, inecandu-ne in oameni de zapada si bunatate de lapte cu menta, precum „Polaris Is Where You’ll Find Me” de Jenny Han, unde personajul principal Natalie este fiica lui Mos Craciun ( Imi place doar dulceata povestilor lui Jenny Han, iar acesta a fost un astfel de tratament al Polului Nord), si „Este un miracol Yuletide, Charlie Brown”, de Stephanie Perkins, care are loc mai mult … mai mult

Recomandat si amic citit numarul 3 cu preferata si cea mai fabuloasa Bicicleta din lume

Da-mi branza, da-mi TOATE branza !!!

Aceasta este a doua oara cand citesc adorabila antologie de douasprezece povesti si chiar mi-a placut (chiar daca unele dintre povesti lipseau.

Sa trecem rapid prin ele:

Midnights: 5/5

– It’s written by Rainbow Rowell, so I’m already trash

– It’s fricken adorable

– I loved it then, I loved it now

The Lady and the Fox 1/5

– Goodness this one was looooooooong

– Hella b



“Midnights” by Rainbow Rowell

Rating: ★★★★★

Short, sweet, and super adorable! I also really loved the story structure. It was a really good way to establish the history between these characters in such a short story. Really, really liked it, but then again this is Rainbow Rowell so I’m not too surprised.

“Polaris is Where You’ll Find Me” by Jenny Han

Rating: ★★

Way too short and open-ended. I know that it’s a short st

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Sadly I couldn’t enjoy the stories, most of them were extremely boring and to be honest I only enjoyed 3 of 12 stories and it’s sad but I couldn’t feel any winter, less Christmas time? It was so “yeah, ok, cool” so it’s a no from me.

Surprise surprise, my favourites were Laini Taylor, Holly Black, Kelly Link (all magic), Stephanie Perkins and Gayle Forman.

Mini-review here.

. ..more

Jul 06, 2014 Jessica rated it it was amazing

A lovely Christmas confection, and refreshing in that I didn’t hate any of the stories. With most short story collections I find that there’s at least one story that I outright hate, and probably one or two others that I am indifferent to. But these were all fun. Some were a bit bittersweet, and some were funny, and all were romantic in some way or another, and they were a perfect start to the Christmas season.

Laini Taylor’s story, The Girl Who Woke the Dreamer, was hands down the best, but Kel


Jan 09, 2014 Tatiana rated it really liked it

What an enjoyable collection! Puts you right into a Christmas mood.

I think the only negative aspect of this anthology is that the subject matter of it (winter holiday romances) is too narrow, or maybe most of the authors decided not to strain themselves and stuck to the most straight-forward interpretation of this theme. What I mean is, almost ALL of the stories in this book follow a very predictable pattern – contemporary, Christmas/New Year, someone’s parent is dead/sick/emotionally unavailab


First off this book is gorgeous! I had to get the UK Edition and I love it so much!

1. Midnights ~ Rainbow Rowell ~ 5/5

I wasn’t sure I would like this story as it only takes place on New Years Eve from 2011 – 2014. Mags first met Noel on New Year’s Eve 2011 where she saved him an allergic reaction from not eating snacks with nuts in them. And they became best friends. But every New’s Years Eve from there on she wants to be the one to kiss Noel but he’s always kissing another girl.. .. until 2014 –

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How cute was this book? Like seriously, so adorable!

Over all I think this book is really a fantastic Holiday read, I’m a huge fan of how it incorporated different Holidays and traditions, not just focusing solely on Christmas. I generally really enjoyed the stories, I found the contemporaries to be more enjoyable than any of the fantastical stories. With each story being only around 30 pages it was difficult to understand and get into any of the concepts that weren’t straight contemporary. I ha

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If you had asked me last year what kind of story I wanted to see more of, I’d have said Christmas YA. In my opinion, there just isn’t enough, so when I saw Stephanie Perkins’ announcement that she would be editing a collection of twelve festive YA stories published this year, I couldn’t have been more excited. I pre-ordered a copy and somehow resisted reading straight away. As soon as it turned 1st December, I put up the Christmas tree, bought a festive mug (for festive hot chocolate, obviously) . ..more

Dec 23, 2017 Erin rated it really liked it

My True Love Gave To Me is a collection of 12 stories covering multiple holidays such as New Year’s, Hanukkah, the Winter Solstices and of obviously Christmas. As most books containing multiple stories written by multiple writers this book was a mixed bag. There were some stories I loved like Krampuslauf, Its A Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown, Angels In The Snow and the very last story The Girl Who Woke The Dreamer by Laini Taylor. The Girl Who Woke The Dreamer was in my opinion ( and since this …more

At first, I was thrilled with this book. I loved all the cute stories, and I loved how they got me in the mood for Christmas. Especially Matt de la Pena’s and Stephanie Perkins’ stories put a smile on my face (despite the fact that Perkins’ characters didn’t act like a 19-year-olds!). Yes, some of the stories were a little bit too unrealistic, or too simple, but I still enjoyed them.

Then came Ally Carter’s story and that’s when things started falling apart. This story was highly unrealistic in .. .more

Nov 15, 2014 Ellen Hopkins rated it really liked it

So much talent in one book! It’s a bit uneven as far as age appropriateness of all the stories, and some readers might find the various voices (from solid contemporary romance to the lush language of a couple of the fantasy offerings) off-putting, but it’s not a bad thing to stretch, really. Three or four stories definitely stand out.