CDC – Cisticercoza – Informatii generale – Intrebari frecvente

Ce este cisticercoza?

Cisticercoza este o infectie cauzata de larvele parazitului Taenia solium . Aceasta infectie apare dupa ce o persoana inghite oua de tenie. matrimoniale militari residence Larvele intra in tesuturi precum muschiul si creierul si formeaza chisturi acolo (acestea se numesc cisticerci). Cand chisturile se gasesc in creier, afectiunea se numeste neurocisticercoza. jocuri cu curve

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Cum ajung oamenii la cisticercoza?

Oamenii sufera de cisticercoza atunci cand inghit oua de T. solium care sunt trecute in fecalele unui om cu tenie. matrimoniale zalau Ouale de tenie se raspandesc prin alimente, apa sau suprafete contaminate cu fecale. Oamenii inghit ouale atunci cand mananca alimente contaminate sau isi pun degetele contaminate in gura. escorte oiesti Important, cineva cu tenie se poate infecta pe sine sau cu oua de tenie (aceasta se numeste autoinfectie) si poate infecta pe altii din familie. Consumul de carne de porc nu va poate da cisticercoza. curve gratis bucuresti

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Care este relatia dintre tenia umana si cisticercoza porcina (porcina)?

Oamenii se infecteaza cu tenia dupa ce au mancat carne de porc cruda sau prea putin gatita contaminata cu chisturi de T. solium . publi 24 arad matrimoniale La inghitire, chisturile trec prin stomac si se ataseaza la mucoasa intestinului subtire. In intestinul subtire chisturile se dezvolta in tenii adulti timp de aproximativ doua luni. curve tatoase

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Unde se gaseste cisticercoza?

Cisticercoza se gaseste in intreaga lume. Infectia se gaseste cel mai adesea in zonele rurale din tarile in curs de dezvoltare unde porcii au voie sa calatoreasca liber si sa manance fecale umane si unde practicile de igiena sunt slabe. escorte tulcea Cisticercoza este rara la persoanele care traiesc in tari in care porcii nu au contact cu fecalele umane. Oamenii pot suferi uneori cisticercoza chiar daca nu au calatorit niciodata in afara Statelor Unite. escorte gay cluj

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Care sunt semnele si simptomele cisticercozei?

Semnele si simptomele vor depinde de locatia si numarul de chisturi din corpul dumneavoastra.

  • Chisturi in muschi:
    • Chisturile din muschi nu provoaca in general simptome. curve bete Cu toate acestea, este posibil sa simtiti bulgari sub piele. Bucatile devin uneori fragede. curve sinaia
  • Chisturi in ochi:
    • Desi rare, chisturile pot pluti in ochi si pot provoca o vedere neclara sau tulburata. Infectia la ochi poate provoca umflarea sau detasarea retinei. escorte tarnaveni
  • Neurocisticercoza (chisturi la nivelul creierului, maduvei spinarii):
    • Simptomele neurocisticercozei depind de locul si numarul de chisturi care se gasesc in creier. Convulsiile si durerile de cap sunt cele mai frecvente simptome. matrimoniale gratuite

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      Cu toate acestea, pot aparea confuzii, lipsa de atentie fata de oameni si imprejurimi, dificultati de echilibru, exces de lichid in jurul creierului (numit hidrocefalie). Boala poate duce la moarte. dame de companie marghita

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How long will I be infected before symptoms begin?

Symptoms can occur months to years after infection, usually when the cysts start dying. When cysts die, the brain or other tissue around the cyst may swell. dame de companie din buzau The pressure of the swelling is what usually causes the symptoms of the infection.  Sometimes symptoms are caused by the pressure of cyst in a small space. curve la produs

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What should I do if I think I have cysticercosis?

See your health care provider.

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How is cysticercosis diagnosed?

Your health care provider will ask you about your symptoms, where you have traveled, and the kinds of foods you eat. prima data la curve  Diagnosis may require blood tests and/or imaging studies. Diagnosis of neurocysticercosis is usually made by MRI or CT brain scans. escorte in alba iulia Blood tests are available to help diagnose an infection, but may not always be accurate. If surgery is necessary to remove a cyst, the diagnosis can be made by the pathologist who looks at the cyst. matrimoniale sex constanta

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Is there treatment for cysticercosis?

Yes. Infections are generally treated with anti-parasitic drugs in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. escorte care vor limbi Surgery is sometimes necessary to treat cysts in certain locations, when patients are not responsive to drug treatment, or to reduce brain swelling. Not all cases of cysticercosis need treatment.   Even if you don’t need treatment to kill the parasite, you may need treatment for the symptoms caused by the infection, such as medication to reduce the number of seizures you have.

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Can cysticercosis be spread from person to person?

No. Someone with cysticercosis cannot spread the disease to other people.  However, people with taeniasis (tapeworm infection in the intestine) may spread tapeworm eggs to other people if they do not practice good hygiene (e. g. hand washing after they use the toilet), which may result in cysticercosis if people swallow the eggs.

More on: Taeniasis

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If I have cysticercosis should I also be tested for an intestinal tapeworm infection?

Yes. Family members may also need to be tested. Because the tapeworm infection can be difficult to diagnose, your health care provider may ask you to submit several stool specimens over several days or to examine your stools for evidence of a tapeworm.

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How can I prevent cysticercosis and other infections spread through fecal contamination?

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water after using the toilet, changing diapers, and before handling food
  • Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent infection
  • Wash and peel all raw vegetables and fruits before eating
  • Use good food and water safety practices while travelling in developing countries such as:
    • Drink only bottled or boiled (1 minute) water or carbonated (bubbly) drinks in cans or bottles
    • Filter unsafe water through an “absolute 1 micron or less” filter AND dissolve iodine tablets in the filtered water; “absolute 1 micron” filters can be found in camping and outdoor supply stores

More on: Handwashing

More on: Food and Water Safety

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