The Way We Were: Joyce & Malcolm Hanson
Postat pe 4 aprilie 2019 de catre articolele editorului, rezidentii seniori, felul in care eram
Fotografie de nunta din 1968: Bob Ashley, Joyce si Malcolm Hanson, Betty Ashley
Cele mai apreciate haine de perete din fermecatorul camin din pictura din 1942 din Dunsford Road ajuta la teserea povestii vietii lui Joyce si Malcolm Hanson, individual si impreuna, in zonele San Marco si Lakewood. Pentru Joyce, desenul care atarna tocmai la dreapta cand intri in usa din fata surprinde inceputul povestii. Este din casa parintilor tatalui ei, care se afla intre strada Emerson si Bulevardul Universitatii. Sotul lui Joyce, Malcolm, a extras-o dintr-o fotografie veche din 1979.
“Viata tatalui meu a inceput in acea casa”, a spus Joyce. „Presupun ca bunicii mei ar fi fost considerati„ crackers Florida ”. porn hub md Locuiau pe pamant pe o proprietate de familie cu o mica gradina si nu-mi amintesc sa fi auzit ca bunicul meu a lucrat vreodata in alta parte. ”
Casa bunicilor lui Joyce Hanson
Dupa ce s-au nascut cei patru fii ai lor, inclusiv tatal ei, Bob, care s-a nascut in 1920, bunicii lui Hanson au descoperit ca locul de origine original al Ashley era prea mic, iar bunicul ei, Allen Ashley, a mutat o sectiune a casei in parte, astfel incat el sa ar putea adauga o sectiune din mijloc in 1926.
Bunicul i-a dat o parte din pamant tatalui sau, care a construit o casa cu o camera, al carei desen atarna si el in casa. – Nici macar nu avea baie, a spus Joyce. „Parintii mei au trebuit sa foloseasca, la inceput, baia din casa bunicilor mei.”
Cand Joyce s-a nascut in 1945, parintii au adaugat o bucatarie, dormitor si baie. real aunt porn Casa se afla in spatele etajelor Palmer Hall, acum inchisa, unde se afla acum Plumbing Accesibil. „Proprietatea noastra s-a sprijinit intr-o comunitate neagra cu care ne-am inteles”, a spus Joyce.
Joyce Hanson a locuit intr-o casa cu o camera pana la varsta de opt ani.
Joyce, fratele ei, Bob Jr., si parintii ei au locuit in casa mica pana la opt ani. Apoi s-au mutat pe Rainbow Road intr-o casa construita de tatal ei intr-un cartier numit Fleetwood atunci, cunoscut acum ca zona Lakewood. pyscho porn Joyce isi aminteste ca in acea zona incepeau sa se construiasca case.
„A trebuit sa mergem la San Marco pentru a face cumparaturi la magazinul alimentar A&P din Piata”, a spus Joyce.
Bob Ashley detinea o statie de alimentare, denumita in mod corespunzator benzinaria Texaco a Ashley, la coltul Universitatii si al Sf. Augustin, unde se afla acum Walgreens. „Cand tata nu a putut sa se inscrie pentru cel de-al doilea razboi mondial din cauza unui handicap usor, a renuntat la Liceul Landon inainte de anul superior si a plecat la munca in santierele navale”, a spus Joyce. Dupa razboi, Bob a instalat rezervoarele de benzina in benzinarii pentru diferite companii petroliere si a construit gropi de gratar din beton. sinner comics porn
„Din cauza relatiilor sale cu Texaco pentru a ajuta la construirea benzinariilor companiei, cand au vrut sa deschida una in San Marco, l-au rugat sa o administreze”, a amintit Joyce.
„A fost o adevarata afacere de familie. Am fost in clasa a X-a cand s-a deschis statia si am facut o parte din contabilitate si am condus casa de marcat ”, a spus Joyce. „Dar nu am pompat niciodata gaz pentru ca femeile nu trebuiau! Dar acum o fac. ” Fratele ei, Bob, a lucrat si el in statie, iar mama ei, Betty, a lucrat si ea la birou.
Joyce Hanson detine placa Invierii, infatisand vitralii donate in memoria tatalui ei in 1972, inviat din incendiul bisericii baptiste Hendricks Avenue in 2007. birdylovesit porn
„Tatal meu a devenit o legenda. Iubea oamenii si oamenii il iubeau. El si-a luat timpul sa vorbeasca cu oamenii. A ajutat pe oricine avea nevoie de ajutor. El s-a ocupat de cei mai putini oameni la fel ca directorii de afaceri. A condus conturi de taxare pentru o multime de companii mari. predator porn El a fost intotdeauna cu totul cinstit in reparatiile sale. “
Joyce isi aminteste sloganul publicitar: „Poti sa ai incredere in masina ta cu barbatul care poarta steaua. Marea stea luminoasa Texaco. ” „Fiecare masina avea parbrizul curatat, podeaua maturata, uleiul verificat. Oamenii si-ar aduce bebelusii pentru ca el sa-l tina. Statia a fost centrul comunitatii ”, a spus ea. incineroar porn
Joyce a mers la duPont pentru clasa intai si jumatate de secunda pana cand a fost construit si deschis elementarul San Jose. Apoi a participat la San Jose prin clasa a cincea si s-a regasit la DuPont pentru a sasea si a douasprezecea. Cand, in cele din urma, a predat un an si jumatate la San Jose, a fost surprinsa sa constate ca unii dintre profesorii pe care ii avea inca predau.
Parintii ei s-au casatorit in mica biserica de la capatul Kingsley Road, cu toate acestea, aproape toata viata lui Joyce este impletita cu viata Bisericii Baptiste Hendricks Avenue, cunoscuta in comunitate ca HAB. Parintii ei au adus-o acolo cand avea trei ani, la scurt timp dupa deschiderea bisericii. Isi aminteste de o coliba din spate, in partea dreapta a salii de sport, Scut Hut, care era pepiniera bisericii. devil may cry 5 porn HAB si-a construit prima cladire ca gimnaziu, unde Joyce a fost botezata.
„Imi amintesc ca purtam un mic steag in timp ce marseam la imn,„ Soldati crestini in fata ”, a spus Joyce.
Tatal ei a devenit diacon la HAB. Ambii parinti au predat cursurile Scolii Duminice, iar Joyce a participat la corul copiilor si la activitatile de tineret.
Bob a condus statia din 1960 pana cand a murit pe neasteptate in 1971, dupa care Betty si Bob, Jr., au condus scurt statia inainte de a o vinde. bakudeku porn
Dupa moartea lui Bob, Betty a donat vitralii Bisericii Baptiste Hendricks Avenue, in amintirea sotului ei. Cand sanctuarul a fost distrus de incendiu in 2007, singura placa care putea fi salvata a fost Placa de Inviere pentru fereastra tatalui ei. Un perete atarnat de acea fereastra si placa de inviere salvata atarna in camera de zi a lui Joyce si Malcolm.
„Prin toate lucrurile care s-au intamplat – bune sau rele – biserica noastra a stat cu noi”, a spus Joyce. „Cand tata a murit, a fost neasteptat. Mama s-a destramat. amature mom porn Aveam doar 24 de ani si nu stiam ce ai facut pentru o inmormantare. Rev. Lipscomb [Clyde B. Lipscomb, pastorul de atunci al HAB], ne-a ajutat sa facem aranjamentele; fara el nu s-ar fi terminat niciodata. Totul in viata noastra se intampla inconjurat de biserica. De aceea, HAB a devenit familia noastra si grupul de sprijin. public use porn ”
Betty, Joyce si Bob Ashley alaturi de Bertha Hartley, singurul bunic al lui Joyce nascut in Jacksonville
Joyce isi aminteste ca copiii de la scoala veneau la casa lor pentru petreceri. Fratele ei avea o trupa hootenanny. „Teatrele de condus au fost amintiri minunate. Am mers pana cand eram adolescenti ”, a spus ea. „Ne-am putea purta pijamale si mama ar aduce pui prajit. Am facut multe lucruri ca familie si eram foarte apropiati. ant porn ”
In adolescenta, Joyce a mers pe bowling-ul din San Marco, unde cladirea AT&T se afla acum vizavi de Teatrul Jacksonville. Malcolm a pus acolo pini ca un copil. „Exista un gratar din Texas pe bulevardul San Marco”, a spus ea.
Mi-au placut mult jocurile de fotbal de la duPont, nu atat pentru joc, cat si pentru trupa de mars ”, a spus Joyce. „La un moment dat a fost cel mai bun din natiune.”
After Joyce graduated from duPont High in 1963, she went to Stetson University and got a degree in education. dragon girl porn At the beginning of her first year of teaching at San Jose Elementary, she met Malcolm.
Malcolm was born in New York, but his parents moved to Jacksonville when he was a year old. He lived in apartments in the San Marco area and a garage apartment on River Road while he attended Southside Grammar School. Then his family moved to Belmont Terrace and he attended Landon High School. After high school, his family moved to Arlington and he went to Jacksonville University.
On the day he graduated from JU, a good friend of Joyce’s introduced Malcolm to Joyce at HAB. ovg porn “We were good friends first, and then we started dating,” Joyce said.
Joyce and Malcolm were married in Rev. Lipscomb’s house in front of the fireplace on Aug. 21, 1967. They didn’t want to have a big wedding because Malcolm was on leave from the military.
While Malcolm went on a military cruise, Joyce continued teaching until Malcolm was transferred to Norfolk, Virginia, for 2-1/2 years, where Joyce taught for half of a year in a public military school until she got pregnant in 1971 and wasn’t allowed to teach any more. roni ford porn
After they returned to Jacksonville, Joyce and Malcolm returned to HAB. Malcolm became a deacon first, and Joyce eventually did as well. “HAB is a moderate Baptist church that didn’t see any reason why women shouldn’t be deacons, too,” Joyce said. Malcolm and she were in the church’s first couples’ class.
When their daughter, Jennifer, was in second grade, Joyce went back to teaching full-time, teaching “hospital homebound” in Jacksonville until 2010, when she retired. “I loved home-schooling because it wasn’t like teaching third grade a hundred times. body control porn I taught special needs kids. The sad part was that a lot didn’t survive, but you knew you were providing normalcy. I felt that was my calling,” Joyce said.
Also in 1980, Joyce and Malcolm bought the “Balfour House,” as it is known in the neighborhood, from Betty Balfour Marks, artist, dancer, choreographer and director of her own dance school, the Ballet Arts Centre, and performing company, the Florida Dance Theatre, in Jacksonville. Her husband, Lewis Marks, developed the neighborhood.
When they first saw the house on Dunsford Road, off Hendricks Avenue, it was painted with white trim and a red roof. roblox porn game “I hated it,” Joyce admitted. But then they went inside and saw the hardwood floors and the dining room chandelier, and she had second thoughts. It was more than they could afford so they started negotiating.
“Betty told us that maybe she could help us out on the price if we’d promise to stay in the house and love it and if we’d have our two girls attend her daughter’s Ballet Arts Centre,” Joyce said. “Well we have stayed in the house and our girls did take ballet, and, in fact, our granddaughters take ballet now, too.”
Joyce thinks they live in the best neighborhood in the world. gay pikachu porn “We walk everywhere. There’s lots of variety. It is a community within a community. We walk just four miles to San Marco Square and know and talk to everybody. We walk to the library, Theatre Jacksonville and the movies.”
Joyce does not have fond memories of the year 2008. snake girl porn “HAB’s sanctuary burned on Dec. 23, 2007, and then I was diagnosed with cancer in 2008 and my mom died as I started treatments.”
The next day, Christmas Eve, the members had worship in the gym, which didn’t burn in the fire. “At the end of worship, All Saints came in and announced they had lunch for us,” Joyce recalled tearfully.
Other churches helped as well, by loaning them music and choir robes. “I remember that a Jewish young lady and her family bought the church pew bibles. katie darling porn The fire pulled the community into HAB and HAB even further into the community,” Joyce said.
During that time, “our grandson, Hunter Closson, was ready to be baptized so we used Rev. Kyle Reese’s swimming pool,” said Joyce, making his baptism unique among the four grandchildren, Rhianna Casey and Hunter, Shelby and Brooke Closson.
Joyce’s daughters, Elisa Casey and Jennifer Closson, used part of the money they had inherited from their grandmother, Betty, to donate new stained-glass windows in memory of their grandfather, Bob. Malcolm helped design the Fire and Dove windows.
The Hansons love that their friends and they have, in some cases, grown up together and have raised children together. And, they count their blessings that they have grown up with Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church and that the church has enmeshed itself in their community.
By Karen J. Rieley
Resident Community News
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