Inceteaza sa mai trimiti milenii pentru a nu economisi destui bani – le-ar placea, doar daca ar putea

Printre numeroasele si vaste acuzatii lansate la generatia „milenara” – sunt lenese, obsedate de tehnologie, frivole si imature – una dintre cele mai grave este o presupusa incapacitate de a-si gestiona banii.

Studiul dupa studiu confirma modelul – milenarele nu economisesc, nu le pasa de pensii, nu planifica pentru viitor si nu stiu cat trebuie sa traiasca. matrimoniale publi24 galati Cei cu varste cuprinse intre 18 si 34 de ani sunt marcati „neincrezatori” cu privire la finantele lor. Si mai rau, unii sociologi amatori sustin ca au identificat un model in spatele cheltuielilor lor. caut un site serios de matrimoniale

Mileniile „lipsite” sunt „generatia Yolo” urla un comunicat de presa trimis saptamana aceasta de catre imprumutatorul peer-to-peer Rateetter. Yolo – sau „traiesti doar o singura data” – este o incercare de a se incurca cu degetul de la vorbe, si de a coda atitudinea „petrece acum, ingrijoreaza-te mai tarziu”. matrimoniale lezbiene

Sunt cu adevarat – sau sunt doar mai rai decat parintii lor?

Millennials, a declarat comunicatul de presa, isi cheltuiesc banii pentru experiente, nu pentru posesiuni. In loc sa economiseasca pentru o suma ipotecara, venitul lor disponibil urmeaza cursuri de soia, skydiving si SoulCycle. matrimoniale bucuresti mature

Nu este primul loc in care am auzit aceasta afirmatie. La o informatie de presa Am fost acum cateva saptamani cineva a pus o intrebare despre cum sa planifice pensiile pentru „generatia care prefera sa cheltuiasca bani pe experiente, mai degraba decat pe lucruri materiale”. matrimoniale android Un alt comunicat de presa despre „Generation Rent” a prezentat sosirea „generatiei de viata usoara” – tineri neincarcati de lucruri materiale precum bunurile si locurile de trait.

Toate acestea sunt descrise ca fiind o alegere a stilului de viata. publi 24 matrimoniale lugoj Nu este. Este un produs al salariilor reduse ale tinerilor, al costurilor de trai ridicate si al viitorului economic sumbr. eveniment iasi matrimoniale

In primul rand, este departe de a demonstra ca tinerii sunt mai putin buni in a face cu finantele lor decat au fost parintii lor. Cu siguranta este mai greu pentru ei sa le gestioneze. anunturi matrimoniale monitorul de galati Multi dintre cei care acum aveau cincizeci si ceva de ani mai vechi aveau garantate pensiile „salariului final” pentru a-si reveni. Acestea nu au necesitat deloc actiuni specifice din partea angajatului. matrimoniale horezu valcea Pur si simplu lucrand timp de 40 de ani, s-ar ajunge la o pensie adesea extrem de generoasa, garantata, care sa fie inflationata, care vi se va plati pe toata perioada pensionarii. Acum, schemele de pensii la locul de munca necesita sa va inscrieti, sa decideti cat din salariul dvs. pibli24 matrimoniale doriti sa platiti si sa sperati ca piata bursiera va face restul. Si daca doriti sa traiti o suma decenta, probabil ca va trebui sa va stabiliti o alta pensie. matrimoniale soferi de tir

Investments also produced decent returns.  In the 1970s and 80s interest rates moved to the mid-teens and above. anunturi gratuite matrimoniale bucuresti  While inflation was also high in the 70s, it dropped below Bank Rate in the early 80s – and didn’t move above it again until 2008. Savings accounts paid out 10pc and more. pustoaice matrimoniale It was easy to make your money work. Now, however, rates are historically low. matrimoniale argeș Bank Rate is 0.25pc, and thousands of pounds are languishing in savings accounts paying next to nothing. anunturi matrimoniale in bihor

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No wonder young people don’t see the point in using them. They are constantly exhorted to move their money to avoid the most pathetic returns – meaning they must have a much higher level of engagement than is necessary when interest rates are good. matrimoniale barbati bistrita

Worse, they have nothing to save for. The gap between the average wage and the average house price is enormous, and insurmountable for most. anunturi zalau matrimoniale  First-time buyers are on average putting down a deposit of £96,000 in London. Saving £500 a month, this would take you 16 years to build up – and that’s assuming you have the salary to afford the mortgage payments on the property, which is likely to cost at least half a million pounds. public24 satu mare matrimoniale

Even outside London, average first-time buyer house prices are creeping towards £200,000 – no small amount when the average salary is £27,000. And saving £500 a month is no mean feat when more than half your salary likely goes on rent, which goes up every year at a rate your pay will never match. publi 24 matrimoniale mures gay  

Even if you’ll never buy a house, you still want to fund your retirement, right? Wrong. One in five people under 30 don’t think they’ll ever retire, according to investment platform Selftrade. matrimoniale fete valcea  If they do, I don’t blame them for wondering what on earth they’ll live on. The state pension already costs 42pc of the welfare bill, or £108bn a year. matrimoniale sibiu detoatepentrutoti  With life expectancy growing and the population getting older and older, many young people simply believe there’ll be nothing left by the time they come to retire.

Even among current retirees, many people rely on their home, which has invariably exploded in value since they bought it, to fund their lifestyles, as well as helping their children. google matrimoniale  Many millennials already accept that they’ll never own a home – so will never be able to retire.

And don’t forget, this is a generation which came of age at the height of the financial crisis. publi24 matrimoniale moinesti Many young people believe that financial institutions are untrustworthy and the financial system is corrupt. I regularly hear concerns that if an employee pays into a pension fund, it will surely collapse and end up worth less than they paid into it, or be used to pay a banker’s bonus. anunturi matrimoniale telegraf

Why be responsible? Why put aside 3pc of your tiny salary each year, to achieve minuscule growth, to fund a home you’ll never be able to afford and a retirement you’re pretty sure you’ll never see – especially if you have to do this by giving over your hard-earned cash to a hated bank?

Young people haven’t made a conscious decision not to save. They don’t have a markedly different attitude to money that their parents did. letto matrimoniale senza materasso If houses were cheaper, retirement a realistic prospect and financial stability seemed attainable, I think they would be putting money aside with equal, if not more enthusiasm than any generation before them.

So no – this generation hasn’t abandoned material possessions. It hasn’t made the radical choice to live rather than save. It doesn’t value yoga classes and spiralizers above mortgages and pensions. It’s just given up on ever affording them.

olivia. [email protected]. uk