Jud. El Paso | Articole

Judetul El Paso acopera 2.130 de mile patrate in estul Colorado, situat intre capatul sudic al Frontului si Marii Campii. Pikes Peak, cel mai cunoscut munte al statului, se afla in limitele sale, iar resedinta de judet, Colorado Springs, este al doilea cel mai mare oras din Colorado. Populatia El Paso, de 663. noelle easton porn gifs sigha.tuna.be 519, este cel de-al doilea judet cel mai populat din stat. Aproape doua treimi din rezidentii sai locuiesc in Colorado Springs; comunitatile din jur includ Fountain (populatie 25.846), Cimarron Hills (16.161) Padurea Neagra (13. baby ruthie porn shed-wiki.win 116), Gleneagle (6.611), Monument (5.530) si Manitou Springs (4.992). porn w tapkey.ru Micile comunitati de Falcon, Peyton, Calhan, Ellicott si Yoder puncteaza Marile Campii din estul judetului. Judetul El Paso este marginit de judetele Douglas si Elbert la nord, judetul Lincoln la est,

Judetul a fost creat in 1861 ca unul dintre saptesprezece judete originale ale teritoriului Colorado. Numele El Pasoprovine din spaniola si se refera la Pasul Ute, care creste in judetul vecin Teller din orasul Divide. Unele dintre cele mai populare atractii turistice din Colorado se afla de-a lungul intinderii autostrazii americane 24 care leaga Ute Pass si Colorado Springs, inclusiv orasul Manitou Springs, Pestera vanturilor si Manitou Cog Railway. josh brady porn Umbrita de autostrada 24, Fountain Creek iese din Ute Pass pana la confluenta cu Monument Creek din Colorado Springs. Acolo, autostrada 24 intalneste Interstate 25, principala arta nord-sud din judetul El Paso. Alte atractii proeminente din judet includ Academia Fortelor Aeriene SUA, Fort Carson, Gradina Zeilor, Pikes Peak Highway, Hotel Broadmoor si Gradina Zoologica din Muntele Cheyenne.

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Zona Varful Pikes are o lunga istorie a locuintei umane, care a inceput in urma cu aproape 12. thick mexican porn reallifeinfo7.over-blog.com 000 de ani. Instrumente din piatra care dateaza din perioadele paleo-indiene si arhaice au fost gasite pe versantul vestic al muntelui. Pe versantul estic, s-au gasit dovezi despre ocupatia umana care dateaza de acum 5.000 de ani in apropierea Fort Carson, iar unele gravuri din rocile din Garden of the Gods dateaza de cel putin 1. asian baby girl porn timoore.eu 000 de ani. Paleo-indienii si popoarele arhaice au extras zacamintele de argila colorate langa Calhanul actual pentru a face ceramica si caramizi.

Indienii Ute au ocupat regiunea Varful Pikes in jurul anului 1500 d.Hr. alex grant porn www.pageglimpse.com Zona Pikes Peak a fost o casa a unei trupe de uti care stiau muntele drept „Muntele Soarelui” si se numeau Tabeguache, „oamenii din Muntele Soarelui”. Ca si alti Uti, Tabeguache a trait o viata nomada. Au urmat caprioarele, elanele si alte jocuri pana la varfuri mai inalte, cum ar fi South Park in timpul verii, si apoi s-au retras prin Ute Pass spre tabara lor de iarna, langa locul actualului Colorado Springs. Utetii au fost, de asemenea, culegatori priceputi, luand o varietate de radacini, nuci si fructe de padure din peisaj. short women porn xn—-7sbabfv5bqnrfohr3ihg.xn--p1ai Pana la mijlocul secolului al XVII-lea, Utetii obtinusera cai din spanioli, iar unii Tabeguache au inceput sa vaneze bivoli pe campii.

In secolul al XVIII-lea, implicarea Utes in comertul cu cai i-a adus in lupta haotica a puterii regionale dintre grupurile spaniole si celelalte grupari americane, inclusiv Comanche si Jicarilla Apache. Utetii s-au aliniat in general cu spaniolii fata de Comanche, care a atacat adesea taberele Ute pentru cai.

Dar cei mai inversunati rivali ai Utes au fost Arapaho, vorbind algoncian, un alt popor nomad care a ajuns in regiunea Varful Pikes in jurul inceputului secolului al XIX-lea. rachel bruno porn www.automaniabrandon.com Desi locuiau cu preponderenta pe campii, Arapaho a exploatat oportunist tara de munte bogata in vanat, contestand controlul Utes asupra South Park si a celorlalte terenuri de vanatoare traditionale ale acestora. Alte grupuri de indieni campii – inclusiv Cheyenne, Kiowa si Lakota – au frecventat, de asemenea, zona estica a judetului El Paso in secolul al XIX-lea.

Pike Expedition

Zona judetului El Paso a intrat sub jurisdictia Statelor Unite ca parte a achizitiei Louisiana in 1803. In 1806, o expeditie condusa de locotenentul Zebulon Pike a explorat partea de sud-vest a vastului teritoriu. family porn pics nova-wiki.win Pe 15 noiembrie, la un loc de-a lungul raului Arkansas, Pike a descoperit muntele care ii va purta numele, pe care l-a numit „Grand Peak”. Pentru a avea o vedere mai buna asupra terenului inconjurator si a cursurilor de apa, Pike si cativa dintre oamenii sai au incercat sa urce pe muntele de 14.000 de metri pe 26 noiembrie, dar au subestimat sever dimensiunea acestuia si nu au adus suficiente dispozitii pentru a termina ascensiunea. Imblanzit si binevoit de varful larg si puternic, Pike si oamenii sai au plecat inapoi la tabara de baza din apropierea locului actualului Pueblo, continuand cu expeditia. bangla new porn www.foxtrot-bookmarks.win

In deceniile de dupa expeditia lui Pike, Muntii Stancosi au devenit un refugiu pentru capcanii de castori, iar zona Varfului Pikes nu a facut exceptie. De exemplu, in primavara anului 1847, capcanul George Frederick Ruxton a pliat Fountain Creek si a prelevat apa din izvoarele minerale din apropiere, despre care a aflat ca sunt sacre pentru Arapaho. Omul de munte Kit Carson a fost prins si in zona.

Infiintare judeteana

Descoperirea aurului aproape de Denver-ul actual in 1858 si grevele ulterioare din muntii spre vest au declansat Rush Gold Gold din 1858–59. neighbors daughter porn ezproxy.cityu.edu.hk Emigrantii anglo-americani au sosit de mii, folosind silueta proeminenta a Pikes Peak pentru a-i ghida spre Rockies. Orasul Colorado City, cunoscut astazi drept „Old Colorado City”, a fost infiintat pe site-ul actual al Colorado Springs pe 13 august 1859. Ute Pass, ruta bine purtata cunoscuta de multi de numele sau spaniol, „El Paso, ”A legat asezarea cu taberele de aur din South Park si valea Blue River.

Graba aurului a determinat guvernul SUA sa organizeze teritoriul Colorado in 1861. chromecast porn www.coast-bookmarks.win Zona din partea de est a „El Paso” a devenit unul dintre primele saptesprezece judete ale teritoriului, cu orasul Colorado ca resedinta de judet.

Ostilitati locale

Early maps of the Colorado Territory show that El Paso County initially bordered an “Arapahoe and Cheyenne Reserve” to the east. The reservation was created for the two tribes in 1861 as part of the Treaty of Fort Wise. By that time, the rapid growth of the Anglo-American population in Colorado increased tensions between whites and Native Americans. artificial insemination porn mike-wiki.win After US troops slaughtered more than 150 peaceful Arapaho and Cheyenne at Kiowa County’s Sand Creek in 1864, warrior groups from the two tribes fought a protracted and unsuccessful war against white settlers and the US military that lasted until 1869. Both tribes were subsequently removed to a reservation in present-day Oklahoma.

In 1864 the Tabeguache Utes relinquished all of their lands east of the Continental Divide to the US government in exchange for the provision of food and supplies, which were to be distributed by government-appointed Indian agents. Yet the promised rations were often late, nonexistent, or unfit for consumption, so starvation became a tragic reality for the tribe. martial arts porn seclub.org During the winter of 1864–65, a group of starving Tabeguaches threatened the residents of Colorado City with raids unless they received sacks of flour. Indian agent Lafayette Head eventually arrived with ninety-five sacks of flour. But Head did not come to the town’s rescue during the winter of 1866–67, when a group of nearly 1,000 Tabeguaches camped near Garden of the Gods and again demanded flour; this time, Colorado City residents reluctantly furnished the Utes’ request.

By 1881 events elsewhere in the state resulted in the expulsion of the Tabeguache and other Ute bands from Colorado, onto a reservation in eastern Utah. porn xx abai-panfilov.mektebi.kz The nineteenth-century transformation of the El Paso County area, which began with Zebulon Pike giving a new name to the Utes’ Sun Mountain, was now complete.


In 1870 visionary railroad builder William Jackson Palmer and partner William Bell founded the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, a branch of which would run south from Denver to the Colorado City area. Near Colorado City and in Ute Pass, Palmer envisioned a thriving resort community for the world’s finest citizens. It would take only a few years for his vision to become reality. free porn 100000 web-wiki.win

After acquiring land near Colorado City along the railroad’s right-of-way, Palmer advertised real estate for his new Fountain Colony all over the United States and Britain. The advertising campaign was effective; in the six months after the groundbreaking ceremony for the colony on July 31, 1871, some 600 residents arrived, including some from Britain. The town was quickly renamed Colorado Springs, and by autumn Palmer’s Denver & Rio Grande Railroad arrived. Colorado Springs grew to a population of 1,500 by the end of 1872, and in 1873 the city took over the role of county seat. bleureign porn travelson.ru

As the first part of their vision coalesced in bustling Colorado Springs, Palmer and Bell began developing the second part, an adjoining mountain resort. In 1872 they planned to organize a town called Villa La Fonte around the hot mineral springs in Ute Pass. William Blackmore, a fellow investor in the area, suggested that the name Manitou would emphasize the Ute and Arapaho connection and bring more tourists (Manitou is the Algonquian word for “Great Spirit”). The town was renamed Manitou Springs and incorporated in 1876. black creampie porn autobox.lv


The town of Calhan developed in 1888 along an expanding line of the Rock Island Railroad, some thirty-five miles northeast of Colorado Springs. It was allegedly named after Michael Calahan, the contractor building the stretch of rail where the town was to be located. A 1937 newspaper article alleges that the removal of the extra a in his name was the result of an intentional clerical omission. Calhan’s first post office was built on November 24, 1888. trimax porn www.openlearning.com

In 1895, when Calhan was officially platted by homesteader Eli Woodring, all of the town’s businesses were housed in a single structure called the Long Building. By 1900 the town remained a tiny plains outpost with a population of just forty, but by 1910 it had 400 residents and forty-five businesses. In October 1905 Calhan residents organized a “potato day,” a celebration of the area’s agricultural bounty complete with a parade. The event was so successful that other residents of El Paso County were invited in subsequent years, and the Calhan “potato day” eventually evolved into the El Paso County Fair. Calhan was finally incorporated in 1919.

Military Installations

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the US Army established Camp Carson south of Colorado Springs in 1942. During World War II the camp held some 9,000 prisoners of war, mostly Italians and Germans. The camp was expanded and redesignated as Fort Carson in 1954. That same year the US Air Force chose to build its academy in Colorado Springs, where Ent Air Force Base had been in operation since 1951.

In 1957 Colorado Springs gained yet another important military presence when the headquarters for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) was established at Ent Air Force Base. The headquarters for NORAD were moved underneath Cheyenne Mountain, west of the city, in 1961. Finally, in 1983 the military broke ground on Falcon Air Force Base (later renamed Schriever Air Force Base), which currently monitors and controls more than 150 navigation, communication, and early-warning satellites.


Today, Colorado Springs is El Paso County’s most prominent ambassador to Colorado and the rest of the nation. The city is routinely lauded for its climate, long list of attractions, and wealth of educational opportunities, from the Air Force Academy and Colorado College to the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. In 2009 Outside magazine ranked Colorado Springs number 1 on its list of “America’s Best Cities”; in 2014 TripAdvisor rated Garden of the Gods as the top-ranking US park, and in 2015 the thrift-focused website Wallet Hub ranked the city as the nation’s third-best large city to live in.

In addition to the burgeoning urban area around Colorado Springs, El Paso County features a robust agricultural economy. As of 2012 the county ranks third in the state in the raising of horses, goats, and chickens. It is also the number-1 producer of plant nursery stock, and harvests the second-highest acreage of sod in Colorado.