Planificarea meselor, o coastera cu dragoste / ura

Salatele stivuite in borcane de zidarie de sold sau o mare de Tupperware potrivita – sunt lucrurile din visele Instagram si are avantajul suplimentar de a te asigura ca nu trebuie sa te uiti niciodata in adancurile congelatorului alimentar congelat la 7-Eleven local. Pentru un novice, insa, planificarea meselor este ingrozitoare. Nu numai ca vreti sa fac matematica pentru a dubla o reteta, dar va asteptati sa imi organizez gandurile haotice de gatit si apoi sa petrec ore intregi in preparate alimentare si bucatarie pentru a ma hrani pentru saptamana urmatoare? De parca as fi un fel de magician Bessa cu picioarele Contessa? De ce nu intentionez sa pregatesc mesele pentru unicornul meu in timp ce ma aflu?


Oricat de mult m-a intimidat pana la baza mea, planificarea meselor este unul dintre acele lucruri despre care nu poti evita sa auzi despre aceasta industrie in viata sanatoasa. Indiferent daca este datorita cresterii tuturor a bricolajului sau a unei scheme de marketing cu adevarat stralucite de catre industria borcanelor, nu poti trece printr-o defilare de doua minute pe Pinterest fara sa ai cel putin un sfat fierbinte despre planificarea meselor pentru saptamana. public 24 matrimoniale targu jiu


Christopher McLaughlin, brandul si directorul de marketing pentru aplicatia de planificare a mesei Plan to Eat, crediteaza cresterea gradului de constientizare a sanatatii pentru zambetul din jurul planificarii mesei. “Ca o cultura, am ajuns la realizarea faptului ca ceea ce mancam conteaza pentru sanatatea si bunastarea noastra. Comenzile rapide si dietele fad pe care le-am luat in ultimii 50 de ani ne-au lasat cu o societate cu greutate excesiva si care se lupta cu o serie ridicola de probleme de sanatate “, spune el. “Planificarea meselor este diferita. puli24 matrimoniale Nu este o dieta moft. Este vorba despre invatarea de a fi intentionat in ceea ce priveste alimentele dvs., de a construi un sistem durabil care sa se incadreze in stilul dvs. de viata si sa va dati seama ca alimentele potrivite va pot ajuta sa fiti cel mai bun dintre voi. matrimoniale gang bang


Nu s-a evitat acest lucru – trebuia incercata aceasta strategie de gatit. La fel ca soldatii care se pregatesc pentru razboi, eu si iubitul meu ne-am pus la punct cu un computer, doua carti de bucate, rezolvare si un vis.


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Planul era simplu: De acord pe doua mese pentru a crea intr-o singura sesiune de gatit in maraton. Ca incepatori, nu am vrut sa ne extindem prea mult venind cu un plan pentru intreaga saptamana, ci mai degraba am alege o reteta pentru cinci zile de pranz si o reteta de cina care a servit patru, astfel incat sa ne putem bucura de doua nopti din saptamana. matrimoniale consranta


Dupa ce am periculat prin cateva site-uri si carti, am aterizat pe alegerile noastre pentru o seara plina de planificare a mesei: cinci salate de creveti de tip Light Light Cooking si doua nopti de ton crud si de coriandru de la „Healthy Speedy Suppers”. Salata parea o optiune solida datorita bazei sale simple (legume pre-taiate si ceva porumb inghetat), completate cu creveti aromat, dar simpli, de 15 minute, cu ardei iute. Pentru a mentine adaugarea in siguranta a fructelor de mare pe parcursul saptamanii, am ales sa cream salata de baza, sa gatim jumatate din creveti pentru primele trei zile ale saptamanii de lucru, apoi petrecem cateva minute pregatind si adaugand crevetii in ultimele patru salate pe * Miercurea. * Pastrarea pansamentului pe o parte ne-ar impiedica pranzurile sa nu fie mai suparate, plus ca am ales sa adaugam avocado necesar retetei in ziua de la care speram ca va pastra aroma proaspata. matrimoniale mure Am aterizat la alegerea noastra pentru cina, bazata pe salsa de casa, care a inclus cateva dintre aceleasi legume gasite in salatele noastre. Cu cat stiam mai putin in bacanie, stiam, cu atat mai bine.


Cu marimea retetei initiale setata la patru, a trebuit sa dublam si sa adaugam o jumatate pentru a ateriza pe cele 10 mese ale noastre (cinci pentru mine, cinci pentru baiat). Usor de innebunit asa cum era (jurnalism major, holla), dar am avut cel putin previziune sa ne dam seama de numere inainte de a pasi piciorul in magazin. ilkok matrimoniale oana raluca Foarte recomandat pentru a va salva sanatatea. Ambele retete au necesitat mai ales ingrediente proaspete, ceea ce inseamna ca am influentat strategia aprovizionata in magazin. Cea mai mare satisfactie a noptii a venit cand am dat peste niste prieteni care au remarcat: „Uite cat de sanatos arata carul tau in comparatie cu al nostru!” Castig adulti.


Inapoi la apartament, am ajuns la afaceri. ana_may matrimoniale La fel ca in fiecare reteta pe care o incerc, timpul de preparare de 15 minute s-a apropiat de 45. Prepararea mancarii necesita creierului tau sa se gandeasca la pasul urmator, asa ca intoarcerea inainte si inapoi intre reteta si tabla mea de taiere si mai departe la soba a adaugat cateva timpul la ceasul de rulare. O bucatarie curata este, de asemenea, cheie. Datorita unei zile overbooked, am inceput tarziu si eram nerabdatori sa gatim cand am ajuns la bucatarie. matrimoniale public 24 galati Stergerea unei sectiuni a unui blat cu toate ingredientele noastre aranjate in ordinea corecta ar fi impiedicat unele dureri de cap.


Un alt sfat pe care l-am invatat este sa aleg retete care sa permita atacarea a doi pasi in acelasi timp. In mod obisnuit, am citit retete gandindu-ma ca toti cei care gatesc trebuie sa incolteasca membrele suplimentare pentru a gestiona tocarea legumelor in timp ce amesteca constant un roux si verificand pentru a fi sigur ca puiul nu arde deja in cuptor. Cu abordarea noastra de planificare a mesei, totusi, am reusit sa-mi toaca salsa de avocado pentru cina si sa ne impartim legumele in recipiente pentru pranz, in timp ce iubitul meu s-a concentrat pe gatitul slaninei si crevetilor pentru pranz si coacerea tonului pentru cina. matrimoniale vaslui sex Daca ne concentram singuri pentru fiecare dintre noi, ne-am impiedicat de plictiseala si ne-a salvat ceva timp.


Doua ore si jumatate si o arsura semi-severa mai tarziu (cu adevarat, acordati-va timp suplimentar si multa rabdare), am avut cinci pranzuri demne de Instagram gata pentru saptamana urmatoare. Sinele meu de tip A a gasit masurarea si portionarea atenta a fiecarui ingredient satisfacator in mod ciudat, iar iubitul meu de mancare i-a placut simplitatea adaugarii unui peste aromat in mancarurile altfel complicate.


 Jumatate din salatele preparate, facute literalmente cu mainile care scriu acest blog. publi 24 matrimoniale alexandria Intr-adevar.

Learn from My Mistakes


Despite its mix of highs and lows, opening my refrigerator every morning and seeing those neatly organized rows of shrimp salad, no fuss, no hassle, was spectacular. Knowing that I didn’t have to worry about making anything for lunch the following day made my evenings surprisingly relaxing. As novices, we made a few easy-to-avoid mistakes, though. matrimoniale piatra neamt 2019 Give these tips a try next time you dive into an afternoon of meal planning.


1. Start with what you know.

As a proud book nerd, I’ve spent some time perusing a book sale or 200. saituri matrimoniale italia Every so often a cookbook grabs my attention and I think, “This is it. This is the year that I start cooking things.

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Delicious, drool-inducing things even.” Then, those books sit on my overflowing book shelf because life gets in the way. matrimoniale oradae When I decided to embark on this edible adventure, I immediately looked forward to cracking the spine on some of these cookbooks. With a little recipe understanding under my belt, I stuck to the salads and fish sections, in hopes that I wouldn’t get sick of foods that I regularly order from local restaurants.

“To get started, make a list of five to 10 of your favorite meals for dinner. Then look at what they have in common. regimurile matrimoniale conventionale in sistemul noului cod civil roman Do several use ground beef? Do most of them call for chopped onion? Do you eat more rice than you realized? Once you have found the common elements, choose five to six of those recipes that have the most items in common,” is “Prep-Ahead Meals from Scratch” author Alea Milham’s advice.  After selecting your recipes, choose a day to batch cook, prepping the common ingredients first. Milham recommends storing each cooked ingredient in usable portions, which allows you to grab, combine and eat without needing to measure every night.

2. matrimoniale gay prahova These things take time.

Starting with two meals late on a Sunday was certainly the source of a lot of agitation for our first foray into batch cooking. Watching bedtime get pushed back and then back again effectively put me into panic mode—not a good look. Our fun experiment quickly became a tedious chore that was probably going to keep us up until 2:00 a. anunturi matrimoniale fete iasi m. and probably wouldn’t even taste good and, hey, who’s dumb idea was this 30-day no takeout challenge again? Given enough time to create our meals, we surely would have avoided some frustration and the aforementioned burn.

McLaughlin says patience is key in getting started. “If you are just getting started, plan on spending at least one hour putting together the week’s plan and grocery list,” he says. sait gratuit de matrimoniale “Once you figure out the nuances of what works in your household, and you build up your collection of meal-planning tools, you can go from nothing to on your way to the grocery store in 10 minutes.”

3. Avoid the supermarket shuffle.

Heading to the grocery the first time, we thought we had our bases covered by having both recipes open in browser windows on my phone. matrimoniale ploiesti olx Oh, how wrong we were. It took roughly two minutes in the vegetable section to recognize the error of our ways. One recipe required an avocado and two limes, while the other required five avocados and just one lime, which meant that we grabbed items for the first recipe, then had to circle back to grab the same ingredients for the second recipe. We huddled around the organic oranges to condense our two lists into just one checklist, which helped immensely. matrimoniale hunedoara publi24

Milham recommends going a step further and grouping items by category before you even step foot in the store. “I group my list by produce, dairy, meats, bulk food section, et cetera,” she says. “This saves me time and reduces the chances that I have to run back to a section at the beginning of the store to pick up items I missed on my list.”

4. matrimoniale masaj erotic Do your taste buds a favor by switching up your flavors.

Living life in the no-cooking lane means I’m pretty happy to eat the same thing over and over, assuming I didn’t have to create it. However, while leftovers are my best friend, many people find themselves bored with eating the same meals day after day. The key is creating a base and then varying the details. publi24 baia mare matrimoniale

McLaughlin says the variations can be subtle. “I’m a big fan of mason jar salad. You can put any lettuces, vegetables, nuts, raisins—pretty much anything you want—into the salad, but simply by changing the dressing, you can have a different salad every day.” Milham similarly uses different seasonings on a protein, plus a variety of sides to create new meals every night of the week. anunturi matrimoniale alexandria teleorman

5. Lose your stress to dance.

As with most things in life—the DMV, spin class, an especially sticky dive bar—music also has the power to make meal planning enjoyable. In our frenzied night, we talked about our recipes and the latest episode of “Better Call Saul,” but were primarily focused on the task in front of us. chat romania matrimoniale Throwing on a solid Spotify playlist will surely be a priority on our next go.

“I have discovered that if I put on music in the kitchen, my family members will voluntarily come help with a meal prep-slash-dance party. Music really does have the ability to transform a chore into a fun activity,” Milham, who started batch cooking in high school and perfected her technique feeding two kids when her husband was deployed, says. “I think meal prep is a wonderful time to focus not only on preparing meals, but a great time to reconnect and start conversations that then spill over to the dinner table. matrimoniale panciu ” Tom Petty and spaghetti? Sounds like a win-win.

Consider me sold on the idea of meal planning, with the right time and proper planning, of course. Look for the final installment next week!

What is your stance on meal planning? Is it suited for real life or just fantasy? 

*Updated 4/28/16 to address food safety concerns.