Predica de duminica – a 10-a voce

Nu a fost usor sa facem asta impreuna pentru duminica trecuta. Nu a fost usor pentru ca am avut probleme sa scot cuvintele – sau mai bine zis … susana spears house porn am avut probleme in a gasi „vocea”.      

Am auzit acest lucru despre autori si povestile lor; este aproape ca si cum meseria de scriitor este sa creeze un spatiu in care personajele sa poata „vorbi” singuri. Ei bine, de multe ori poate fi asa si cu predicile. Uneori predicile au propria lor voce, iar meseria mea este sa-i ofer propriul sau spatiu pentru a se revela. breast inflation porn Se dezvaluie pe sine, dar, desigur, este abilitatea persoanei care livreaza predica care ii da calitatea. Acum, nu sunt un „sermonator” foarte bun, dar stiu suficient pentru a sti cum se simte ca „Predica” sa aiba propria voce.   

Si pentru cea mai lunga perioada de timp (poate aproximativ 5 – 6 ore) nu am putut gasi acea „voce”. Ei bine, l-am putut auzi in fundal, dar nu m-am putut concentra asupra lui. guro porn Dar era acolo – vocea lui Isaia era acolo … in spatele vocii culturii dominante. bbw forced porn   

Iata primele noua versete ale capitolului 58 din cartea lui Isaia:

 ”Striga cu vocea unei explozii de trambita. Striga cu voce tare! Nu fi timid. Spune-i poporului meu Israel * despre pacatele lor!  

     Cu toate acestea, actioneaza atat de pioasa! Ei vin zilnic la Templu si par incantati sa afle totul despre mine.

Ei actioneaza ca o natiune dreapta care nu ar abandona niciodata legile Dumnezeului sau. gay cub porn Ei ma roaga sa iau masuri in numele lor, prefacand ca vor sa fie langa mine.

    “Am postit inaintea voastra!” ei spun: „De ce nu esti impresionat? Am fost foarte grei cu noi insine si nici macar nu-l observati!”

“Iti voi spune de ce!” Eu raspund. “Se datoreaza faptului ca postesti sa te multumesti. Chiar in timp ce postesti, iti opresti lucratorii. normal porn for normal people

   Ce bine este postul cand continui lupta si cearta? Acest tip de post nu te va duce nicaieri cu mine.

   Va smeriti parcurgand miscarile de penitenta, inclinandu-va capetele ca niste trestii aplecate in vant. Te imbraci in guler si te acoperi cu cenusa.

Este ceea ce numiti post?

   Chiar crezi ca acest lucru va fi pe placul L ORD ? “Nu, acesta este genul de post pe care mi-l doresc:

           elibereaza-i pe cei care sunt incarcerati gresit; usureaza povara celor care lucreaza pentru tine. real homemade incest porn Lasa pe cei asuprati sa se elibereze si indeparteaza lanturile care leaga oamenii.

     Impartaseste-ti mancarea cu cei flamanzi, si adapostiti-va celor fara adapost. Da haine celor care au nevoie de ei si nu te ascunde de rudele care au nevoie de ajutorul tau. “Atunci mantuirea ta va veni ca zorii si ranile tale se vor vindeca repede. porn digs Evlavia ta te va conduce inainte, iar gloria L ORD te  va proteja de spate.

  Atunci cand sunati, L ORD  va raspunde. „Da, sunt aici”, el va raspunde rapid.


Isaia spune americanilor in general – „Ai facut destul pentru Dumnezeu?” Sau „Ai facut-o asa cum trebuie?” Sau poate, „Esti sincer in ceea ce crezi?” Cuvantul „sincer” provine din latinescul „sin cere”, care inseamna „fara ceara”. scarlett knightley porn Actorii din acea zi ar purta masti din ceara. Asadar, sincer (sin cere) inseamna sa indepartezi masca prefacarii, a artificialitatii.  

„Da, dam!” Da, dar o faci pentru scutirea de impozit? „Facem lucruri!” Da, dar daca nu ai putea sa o iei pe un CV, ai face-o?

Am cunoscut o persoana care a trait in Texas cu multe decenii in urma. Au locuit destul de aproape de granita cu Mexicul, unde au facut o practica de a merge si de a vizita o anumita familie, si in special baietelul din familie. pokemon x human porn I s-au dat o multime de lucruri, i-a fost scos mult la pranz. Inainte de a pune la indoiala intentia persoanei (era o femeie mult mai in varsta – ar fi putut fi bunica lui), nu era absolut nimic impropriu in acest sens … video game porn comic cu exceptia crearii unei relatii foarte „daruitor – receptor”. A creat un parteneriat foarte echilibrat (non). L-au ajutat? Sigur – in sensul ca „a primit” o multime de lucruri si de mancare pe care altfel nu le-ar fi primit Dar lucrul este ca el si familia sa erau complet datorii. Si nu exista absolut nicio modalitate prin care acestia sa poata deveni egali cu ea. sophia traxler porn Acestia ar fi intotdeauna debitori (dari), iar ea ar fi intotdeauna Patron (donator). Presupun ca s-ar putea face un caz ca ea a primit poate un sentiment de superioritate morala, iar el si-a redus demnitatea.         

Isaiah’s voice – today – leads me back to why we are called to worship, to worship as honestly as we can.   It must come as NO SURPRISE that we live in a pretty superficial culture, a pretty shallow culture. porn hub video     I mean really, why do we need to know every little move Justin Bieber makes?    Some of our “famous” people are famous for being famous…. And that’s all!   And, come on folks, do you seriously think there are  whole slew of us out there waiting to know what you’re having for dinner, or that we want to see a picture of the latest cute thing your cat did… again?!?!     Here’s a line from the movie “God Bless America”… a movie that questions the whole celebrity-culture that has been leaking into our “ordinary” lives.    

I would defend their freedom of speech if I thought it was in jeopardy. I would defend their freedom of speech to tell uninspired, bigoted, blowjob, gay-bashing, racist and rape jokes all under the guise of being edgy, but that’s not the edge. barney porn That’s what sells. They couldn’t possibly pander any harder or be more commercially mainstream, because this is the ‘Oh no, you didn’t say that!’ generation, where a shocking comment has more weight than the truth. No one has any shame anymore, and we’re supposed to celebrate it. I saw a woman throw a used tampon at another woman last night on network television, a network that bills itself as ‘Today’s Woman’s Channel’. free internet porn Kids beat each other blind and post it on YouTube. I mean, do you remember when eating rats and maggots on Survivor was shocking? It all seems so quaint now. I’m sure the girls from ‘2 Girls 1 Cup’ are gonna have their own dating show on VH-1 any day now. I mean, why have a civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

 I could rant more… but, well, wadda ya gonna do?   

Okay, maybe a little more…    Commercials say their products are there to “change your life”!    But we HAVE all these products that are supposed to be so life-changing… how come our lives aren’t??

Isaiah says:  You say you’re pretty moral people. etika porn   But your Box-store good-deal is made off the extremely limited choices of the people in other countries.   “But the companies who hire these people are giving them jobs with pay they might not otherwise even have access to.”   Yes, but they often have almost no other choices – and that’s the issue.   “Well, we all have choices to make, right?!”    Their choices can be either work there… and be at the mercy of the company (hours, living conditions, etc), or have little other possibilities for economic improvement. sister anal porn    Whereas our choices are more often than not deciding where we’ll get the better deal for hat pair of pants.   

Isaiah is reminding us this still isn’t just.   For Isaiah it’s not about redistribution!   It’s about questioning whether the whole system is good for the souls/hearts of all!  

Why do we have so much stress and anxiety in our culture and lives?    There are so many who take medications for depression and anxiety on a regular basis.   We certainly do have the best medical care, but this comes from the same culture where people don’t know their neighbors… where people long for some deeper purpose and/or meaning…   where people long for Spirit… for deeper friendships. carrie fisher porn      How many close friends do you have?    I mean close – like friends who’ve seen you through lives’ thick and thins, or who you have helped through life’s turmoils and changes?       And how close do they?    

Don’t misunderstand me… I’m not saying who we are is bad.     I’m saying there probably isn’t enough in our lives to counter the prevailing message that selfishness is good for us!    I’m saying there aren’t enough places in our lives to lead us to question whether having more stuff is always the best for us.   I’m saying there aren’t enough places in our lives that help us remember that how we are, and who we are, is okay… that it really is good enough!     I’m saying that “affluenza” will warp our hearts and minds.   

Evidently there was a recent court case where a young man from Texas was arrested for killing 4 people as a result of driving while intoxicated. jerking off watching porn    His lawyer pleaded for his client saying he suffers from “Affluenza”; he was raised in a super-rich home, and as a result, sadly, his parents never raised him well enough to know right from wrong.  So, he’s not responsible… your honor.    Seriously?????     Affluenza???   

Isaiah’s voice is necessary for us!    He is our 10th Man.   There’s a line in a movie, where after one of the Arab-Israeli wars, Israeli planners and analysts realized they always need a contradictory voice. reverse pov porn     In a group 10 people with the same information, if 9 of them arrive at the exact same conclusion, it’s the duty of the 10th person to disagree with the prevailing consensus no matter how improbable that disagreement might seem.      The 10th person has to start with the assumption that the other nine might just very well be wrong on this one.   

This is partly why we come together on Sundays.    To hear the 10th voice.     In this case, it’s Isaiah.  I heard this voice this week.   It wasn’t clear, but it was nagging me all week.

Yes God does loves us!    Absolutely!       But today… that’s not the question for us.    Where else in our lives do we hear the 10th voice?   Where else in our lives can we come together with people and remember again about the important things?

Maybe this is hard to hear.   It is hard to say.   I love saying how generous the people here are – in the US and in this congregation!    Which is true.       I want to say how the people from this community are very much connected to mission!     Which is also true!     Last year – 2013 – this small community of faith gave about $15,000 in support of missions.        You care about each other!   You all have good hearts!   This is true!

And yet Isaiah’s 10th voice still needs to be heard… by all of us   across the board.  We still need to hear that we don’t have to buy everything the culture is selling!    Remember who you are… and why!

“No, this is the kind of fasting I want:  Free those who are wrongly imprisoned;

           lighten the burden of those who work for you.     Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people.

     Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless.       Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.

 ”Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal.     Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the LORD will protect you from behind.

  Then when you call, the LORD will answer.    ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.