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M-am intors din Franta. Si intr-adevar, intr-adevar obosit mental. A fost o vacanta fantastica, nu ma intelegeti gresit, dar intotdeauna mi-e mai greu sa ma reglez mental decat fizic. La fel de mult mi-a placut Parisul, este un ritm si o lume foarte, foarte diferite decat Yellowknife. Este doar un pic dificil sa impace aceste vieti diferite.

In acest sens, nu am energia sa scriu o postare lunga si detaliata. stormtrooper porn Ca sa fiu sincer, ma oblig sa scriu acum doar pentru a putea reveni la un fel de rutina.

Prima zi in Franta a fost probabil cea mai rece zi de acolo. Nu ne-a interesat prea mult, iesind dintr-o clipa rece cu scufundari sub -30 in Yellowknife si tocmai prea incantat pentru a fi in sfarsit in Franta. Am inceput cu cel mai evident: Turnul Eiffel. Din partea de jos, pentru mine a fost un fel de suprarealist. Nu parea ca este Turnul Eiffel pe care l-am vazut in nenumarate filme si emisiuni TV. karley sciortino porn O puteam vedea de aproape oriunde am merge in oras, dar in persoana si pana aproape, nu parea sa fie destul de mare. Apoi am pornit spre varf si am suferit un vant si un frig si mai intens, acum cu sleet, dar privelistea a facut in sfarsit sa se scufunde prin faptul ca acesta era intr-adevar reperul iconic. In partea de jos din nou, parea sa fi crescut in sine. Ne-am strecurat intr-o croaziera pe raul Sena dupa aceea, dar dupa ce am calatorit pana acum copiii si cu mine am adormit.

In a doua zi, am luat un tren in afara orasului pentru a vizita campurile de lupta ale Beaumont Hamel si Vimy, unde Newfoundlanders si canadienii au luptat in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial. La Beaumont Hamel am intalnit de fapt cativa fosti elevi de-ai mei care erau acolo intr-o excursie scolara. hot asian babe porn Vremea s-a imbunatatit usor de la prima zi, dar ca ziua ploioasa si ploioasa pe care am petrecut-o la Hiroshima cu cativa ani in urma, se potrivea starii de spirit. La inceputul acestui an am remarcat ca mi-a fost greu sa ma conectez la povestile din Razboiul Mondial si ca m-am simtit vinovat nepatriotic pentru asta. Am gasit leacul. Cititi Vimy-ul lui Pierre Berton in drumul catre Franta, apoi vizitati monumentele memoriale si transeele in care atat de multi si-au pierdut viata si va pot garanta ca Ziua Amintirii nu va mai fi aceeasi niciodata.

In a treia zi ne-am continuat turneul pe campurile de lupta, de data aceasta concentrandu-ne asupra celui de-al doilea razboi mondial si pe plajele din Juno. A fost un razboi foarte diferit, dupa cum ghidul nostru a ajutat la demonstrarea prin aducerea de fotografii reale si aratandu-ne locatia si artefacte inca prezente. natasha crown porn Intotdeauna mi-am intins cele doua razboaie in cap. (Rusine, pana la aceasta calatorie, nu as fi putut sa va spun daca invazia pe plaja Juno a fost a doua razboi mondiala sau a II-a razboi). Dar a vedea cum a fost documentat cel de-al doilea razboi mondial in comparatie cu primul a parut intr-adevar a face din al doilea un razboi mult mai modern.

Am crezut ca ne-am razboi cu totii dupa aceea, dar, pe masura ce urma sa invatam pentru tot restul calatoriei noastre, Franta are o istorie lunga de invazii si lupte si a fost greu sa scapam. In a patra zi (inchirierea unei masini si bucurarea de sensurile giratorii in acest moment), am explorat un pic mai mult din Bayeux, al carui punct culminant este tapiseria Bayeux. Daca nu ati auzit niciodata despre asta, este o piesa de arta incredibila, care dateaza de acum aproape o mie de ani. re zero felix porn Broderia are o lungime de peste 68 de metri si cincizeci de scene infatiseaza orificiile de aerisire care duc pana la cucerirea normana a Angliei. (Vezi, mai multe lucruri de razboi). Muzeul il saluta ca primul roman grafic si mi se pare o descriere destul de potrivita pentru mine. Inutil sa spun, am fost incantat.

On day five we headed out to visit Mont St. Michel. cartoon cat porn This large island and monastery atop it is quite a popular tourist attraction, based mostly on the impressive mark it makes on the skyline. However, I’d have to say it loses most of its charm up close. Signs warning of the pickpockets certainly don’t help set a tourist at ease, but the legal money-gouging seems almost as criminal. A barrage of stores selling overpriced trinkets is not what one has in mind when visiting a monastery. How the monks can feel closer to God in this environment is beyond me. It must take a rare discipline. film porn irani Though a visit to the so-bad-it-might-just-be-good Archeoscope, a bizarre production that looks as if it may have been cutting edge in 1981 will certainly not soon be forgotten.

On day six we headed out to Camaret-Sur-Mer in the Brittany region, to visit a small point called Pointe du Toulinguet. I’m from a small town in Newfoundland called Twillingate, so named for its resemblance to this area, so I had to see for myself. The cliffs themselves bore an uncanny similarity. Yet the tide in Toulinguet went much further out, leaving a couple hundred feet of soft sand on which people were horseback riding and collecting shellfish. Twillingate is beautiful, and Toulinguet, I hate to say it, even more so. kalani breeze porn I think I might have found my retirement home. Though I might be sold on the town for another reason. While walking on the beach there, I found an odd looking device on the beach, somewhat looking like a microphone. I picked it up and there was a contact number for the U.S.. cuckold caption porn I called it and it turned out to be a wildlife tag that had been attached to a bluefin tuna off the coast of Morocco by a group of researchers from Spain. To make it even better? It came with a reward of 300 Euros upon its return. Did you ever see the movie Seducing Doctor Lewis about a small town in Quebec that does it everything it can to convince a doctor to stay there? One man had the idea to always leave $5 bills on the ground for the doctor to find. Everyone’s happy to find money, he says, and when one has happy connotations with a place they are more likely to want to stay.

The next day we drove out to the Loire region, to sleep in a castle. It was off season, so we were the only ones there that night. sansa stark porn Even the owners were sleeping in a separate cottage next door. We kind of hoped it’d be haunted but we didn’t hear even as much as a creak that night.

Then on day 8 we returned the rental car. We were heading back to Paris and there was no way we were going to drive there. Montreal gets a bad rap in Canada for their crazy drivers. I think Parisians would find Montreal streets relaxing. daddy please porn Besides, the subway system was easy to follow and far less crowded or busy than in London or Tokyo. We spent our last few days in Paris, taking in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Louvre, the Pere Lachaise Cemetery, and Disneyland (for the kids, of course.) A few thoughts on each:

1. The Cathedral of Notre Dame is stunning, and quite a workout climbing the stairs to the top. Totally worth it though to see the view and the gargoyles. In the church itself there was a mass going on and tourists were snapping pictures of worshippers, sectioned off by some velvet ropes. mayli porn I had similar feelings about that as I had about Mont St. Michel above. Couldn’t they close it to tourists during such times? I started reading Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables on the trip in anticipation of visiting the sewers and/or catacombs, which were unfortunately closed on the day we had slotted it in. In hindsight, maybe I should have read The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

2. The Louvre was very, very big. black oiled porn We saw but a very small portion and due to time restraints, focused most of our energies on the cliche ones: the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. Of course, simply getting to them you see a lot of art on the way so it’s still worth it. I think what I liked most about the Mona Lisa was seeing the huge painting on the facing wall, the Wedding Feast at Cana by Paolo Veronese. It not so much that I was taken with the artistry or subject matter, just the contrast. The Wedding Feast at Cana is so huge and so busy, with so many people. The Mona Lisa is so small and quiet in comparison, yet an individual who can own a wall all to herself. brother sister hotel porn

3. The Pere Lachaise Cemetery. Yeah, so again, we did the predictable Jim Morrison thing. I’m not a huge Doors fan or anything, but like seeing other art on the way to Mona Lisa, that was sort of the idea here as well. What would we see on the way to Pere Lachaise? What would the cemetery itself be like? What other notable graves would we see? Unfortunately we arrived late and the cemetery was closing soon after we got there. We saw Morrison’s litter and graffiti covered grave and that was it. rayla porn Sorry Balzac and Wilde, we’ll catch you next time.

4. Disneyland. It’s funny, we’ve never taken the kids to either of the Disney attractions in California or Florida, yet they’ve now gone to Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney. This one had a Star Wars attraction which I don’t recall having been in Tokyo, so my son was beside himself. We also caught an old Michael Jackson attraction from the 80s, brought back since his death. cell porn Unlike the Mont St. Michel Archeoscope, it was just bad enough to not be good bad. I was also disappointed that they didn’t highlight the Disney movies set in France. There was no reference to the Hunchback at all and we could find but a single stuffed toy of the rat from Ratatouille. As most of us at the park appeared to be foreign tourists, I think they lost an opportunity there. Still, it was a fun day overall. gemma parker porn And speaking of big business capitalism, I’m about to say something I’m sure many of the French would say is blasphemous. One of the best meals I had in France was at MacDonald’s. There, I said it. Perhaps we were just not hitting the right places, but the pastries we had in France were no better than can be found easily in Canada, and I swear that on most menus we saw were nothing but variations on a ham and cheese sandwich. At MacDonald’s they had limited edition burgers made with baguettes and topped with local cheeses, and the Saint Nectaire was delicious. So there. lana bee porn And don’t get me started on the coffee situation in France. Yes, they made delicious coffee. I can’t fault that. But I can fault the sizes. The largest we could find (we didn’t go to Starbucks) was still smaller than a small at Tim Hortons. I’m not exaggerating. emoji movie porn And it was only at MacDonald’s that we could find coffee to go, which is what got us in there in the first place.

As for the language barrier, I have to say there really wasn’t much of one. As long as we tried, people generally understood and were friendly and helpful– going totally against the whole unfortunate stereotype of being rude. Our kids got a lot of compliments on their french abilities, which makes me feel really good about their french immersion education.

So much for the short post. It’s actually been good to help me collect my thoughts. shelf bra porn But now I’m off to catch some zzz’s. Sorry if it’s rife with typos. I really just spent more energy than I thought I had left. Don’t ask me to edit right now.